
What Do Carpenter Ants Eat?

A black ant, possibly a carpenter ant, is pushing a small, translucent object on a wooden surface. The background is blurred, focusing attention on the ant eagerly inspecting what could be food.

Do you think that you have carpenter ants disrupting your home? PURCOR is here to help you understand a bit more about these wood destroying insects and how you can be sure that they do not leave an impact on your home. We will cover what these pests look like, if they are dangerous, what carpenter ants eat, and offer PURCOR as an important solution for carpenter ant control. 

How to Identify Carpenter Ants

In comparison to other ants, carpenter ants can be a bit larger. You can find these ants to be darker, such as black, red, or brown colored. You might also wonder, do carpenter ants have wings? Unlike the queen and worker ants, it is a possibility for a mature colony to produce carpenter ants with wings, which are considered to be swarmers and are typically bigger than the rest of the colony. 

How Can I Tell if I Have Carpenter Ants?

Now that we know what these ants look like, you might be wondering how to know if you actually have carpenter ants in your home or commercial building. If you do not spot these pests on your own, there are still some signs to look for. You might hear these pests hard at work during the night inside your walls. Also, another sign to be on the look for is sawdust around your home, which is what remains as carpenter ants create trails and nests. 

Are Carpenter Ants Dangerous?

Carpenter ants can be dangerous if they infest your home. Although it may take years for a large colony to form, these ants can cause serious damage to the structure of your home as they destroy any wood that they can find to create a nest. Aside from structural damage, do carpenter ants bite? The answer to this question is yes, if their nest happens to be messed with. Along with a bite, carpenter ants are able to spray formic acid, which just makes matters worse. This is why you want to leave these pests in the hands of professionals. 

Do Carpenter Ants Eat Wood?

The question you might be the most curious about is if carpenter ants actually eat wood. Although it may seem as if they do, they do not actually eat the wood they destroy, instead they excavate the wood. Carpenter ants use wood as a tool to create tunnels and their nests, but do not eat the wood, which creates the sight of sawdust. Carpenter ants actually eat any sweet foods that they can find whether it be inside or outside your home. 

Be Proactive With Carpenter Ant Control From PURCOR

The best way you can avoid and control carpenter ants in your home or business is with the help and solutions from PURCOR. With well-trained professionals and environmentally friendly solutions, our team can help avoid or control an infestation. With many locations, see how we can help and contact us for a free estimate today!

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