
Home Remedies for Ant Pest Control

Pavement Ants
Ants can be a frustrating pest to deal with in your home. There are over 1000 species of ants in the United States, each of them with their own unique characteristics. When it comes to getting rid of ants in your home, it’s important to know what species you’re dealing with.


Pavement Ants

Pavement ants are dark brown or black ants, typically about 3mm in length, with limbs that are a lighter color than their bodies. Pavement ants nest under stones, or along cracks in concrete. 

If pavement ants are infiltrating your home, you can try these home remedies:

What is an Odorous House Ant?


Odorous house ants are small, black or brown ants about 3mm in length. These ants are often confused with pavement ants as they have similar looks. The easiest way to tell if you have an odorous house ant infestation is if you notice a rotten coconut smell when you crush an ant. Although they don’t sting, odorous house ants can invade homes in large numbers.

Here are some good ways to get rid of these pesky invaders:

Tawny Crazy Ants


Tawny crazy ants, often just called crazy ants, are becoming a serious problem in the United States. These ants get their name for the erratic way they walk and follow a scent trail. Crazy ants are yellowish ants with long legs. Crazy ants can breed quickly and are able to have a colony 100 times denser than other ant colonies. What does this mean for homeowners? These ants can become a serious problem very quickly.

Dealing with crazy ants? Try some of these home remedies:

Next time you see ants in your home, take a closer look and try to identify their species and give some of these home remedies a shot.

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